The 'Eccolator' System

... is a simple method for people to escape from high-rise buildings on their own without need for assistance from
fire, rescue or police services in the event of a fire, terrorist attack, or other building catastrophe.  It is a scaleable system offering the only rescue/escape solution available for skyscapers when stairways become blocked or filled
with smoke.  It can be used by individuals of any age from a small child to the elderly.  This includes women with
infants and the handicapped.

From a construction and design perspective, it is inexpensive to install, requires virtually no maintenance, can be retro-fitted to almost any type of high-rise, and does not detract from a buildings visual appeal.

During a crisis event, people experience stress that can lead to panic.  The System's operational design addresses this concern, maintaining functionality during such an episode.

The Eccolator System meets all of the following criteria:

  Inexpensive, re-useable and safe

  Easily retro-fitted to virtually any high-rise building
  Does *not* require electricity, batteries or fuel to operate
  Has few mechanical parts
  Requires virtually no maintenance, is easily cleaned and/or inspected
  Quickly and safely moves people to ground level
  Prohibits users from interfering or accidentally disrupting the System while in use
  Does not require a trained operator to use the System
 Does not waste time retracting or relocating within or around the structure
 No manual needed, simple pictograms explain how to operate it
  Protects users from fire, smoke and debris
  Accomodates people of all sizes, including mothers with a baby or toddler
  Can be used by the wheelchair-bound that are able to use their arms and hands
  Does not require emergency responders to enter into danger to provide assistance

So, what is it and why is there no description or diagram here?
